Civil Engineering Discipline
- Bharat, S., Mishra, V., 2020. Runoff sensitivity of Indian sub-continental river basins. Science of The Total Environment 142642.
- Kumar, M., Ram, B., Sewwandi, H., Sulfikar, Honda, R., Chaminda, T., 2020. Treatment enhances the prevalence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and antibiotic resistance genes in the wastewater of Sri Lanka, and India. Environmental Research 183, 109179.
- Mukherjee, S., Mehta, D., Dhangar, K., Kumar, M., 2020. Environmental Fate, Distribution and State-of-the-art Removal of Antineoplastic Drugs: A Comprehensive Insight. Chemical Engineering Journal 127184.
- Nazir, R., Hussain, M., Sachan, A., 2020. Influence of stress history, strain rate and end effects on undrained shear behaviour and strain localization of laterite soil. International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 1–14.
- Pandya, P., Sachan, A., 2020. Shear strength and microscopic behavior of micaceous Kutch soil. Journal of Geotechnical and Transportation Engineering 6, 23–27.
- Ram, B., Kumar, M., 2020. Correlation appraisal of antibiotic resistance with fecal, metal and microplastic contamination in a tropical Indian river, lakes and sewage. npj Clean Water 3, 3.
- Sadhwani, B., Seethalakshmi, P., Sachan, A., 2020. Use of commercially available bentonite clay for treatment of micaceous sand. Journal of Geotechnical and Transportation Engineering 6, 1–9.
- Shah, D., Mishra, V., 2020. Integrated Drought Index (IDI) for Drought Monitoring and Assessment in India. Water Resources Research 56, e2019WR026284.
- Thakur, A.S., Pandya, S., Sachan, A., 2020. Dynamic behavior and characteristic failure response of low plasticity cohesive soil. Int J Civ Eng.
- Verma, R., Basu, D., 2020. On correlating the modulus of elasticity of stack-bonded flyash brick masonry using impact hammer and compression tests. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering 24, 539–567.
- Bhardwaj, Kunal and Vimal Mishra (2020). Propagation of meteorological to hydrological droughts in India, Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres (revision submitted).
- Garg, S., Mishra, V., 2019. Role of Extreme Precipitation and Initial Hydrologic Conditions on Floods in Godavari River Basin, India. Water Resources Research 55, 9191–9210.
- Kumar, M., Ram, B., Honda, R., Poopipattana, C., Canh, V.D., Chaminda, T., Furumai, H., 2019. Concurrence of antibiotic resistant bacteria (ARB), viruses, pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in ambient waters of Guwahati, India: Urban vulnerability and resilience perspective. Science of The Total Environment 693, 133640.
- Meghwal, R., Shah, D., Mishra, V., 2019. On the Changes in Groundwater Storage Variability in Western India Using GRACE and Well Observations. Remote Sens Earth Syst Sci 2, 260–272.
- Nema, H., Basu, D., 2019. Natural properties of confined masonry buildings – experimental case studies and possible inferences. IJMRI 4, 197.
- Sachan, A., Seethalakshmi, P., Mishra, M.C., 2019. Effect of Crushing on Stress–Strain and Pore Pressure Behavior of Micaceous Kutch Soil Under Monotonic Compression and Repeated Loading–Unloading Conditions. Geotech Geol Eng 37, 5269–5283.
- Ali, S.A., Aadhar, S., Shah, H.L., Mishra, V., 2018. Projected Increase in Hydropower Production in India under Climate Change. Sci Rep 8, 12450.
- Bashir, A., Basu, D., 2018. Revisiting probabilistic seismic hazard analysis of Gujarat: an assessment of Indian design spectra. Nat Hazards 91, 1127–1164.
- Gupta, K., Sachan, A., 2018. Effect of Crushing and Strain Rate on Mechanical Behavior of Type-F Fly Ash. Transp. Infrastruct. Geotech. 5, 4–23.
- Kumar, P., Srivastava, G., 2018. Effect of fire on in-plane and out-of-plane behavior of reinforced concrete frames with and without masonry infills. Construction and Building Materials 167, 82–95.
- Ghaisas, K.V., Basu, D., Brzev, S., Pérez Gavilán, J.J., 2017. Strut-and-Tie Model for seismic design of confined masonry buildings. Construction and Building Materials 147, 677–700.
- Kumar, P., Srivastava, G., 2017. Numerical modeling of structural frames with infills subjected to thermal exposure: State-of-the-art review. Journal of Structural Fire Engineering 8, 218–237.
- Mandhyan, A., Srivastava, G., Krishnamoorthi, S., 2017. A novel method for prediction of truss geometry from topology optimization. Engineering with Computers 33, 95–106.
- Mehta, B., Sachan, A., 2017. Effect of Mineralogical Properties of Expansive Soil on Its Mechanical Behavior. Geotech Geol Eng 35, 2923–2934.
- Sudan, G.K., Sachan, A., 2017. Effect of strain rate on pore pressure evolution and effective stress path of soft soil under different stress history conditions. International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 11, 62–71.
- Basu, D., Kota, T., 2016. Estimating peak dynamic response from pushover type analysis using a semi-empirical method. Bull Earthquake Eng 14, 3409–3440.
- Basu, D., Reddy, P.R.M., 2016. A New Metallic Damper for Seismic Resilience: Analytical Feasibility Study. Structures 7, 165–183.
Smitha, S., Sachan, A., 2016. Use of agar biopolymer to improve the shear strength behavior of Sabarmati sand. International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 10, 387–400.
- Bhuria, N.R., Sachan, A., 2014. Shear strength and constant rate of strain consolidation behaviour of cement-treated slurry-consolidated soft soil. Current Science 106, 972–979.